Introduction to Schizophrenia

  Do you know someone who seems like he or she has "lost touch" with reality? Does this person talk about "hearing voices" no one else can? Does he or she see or feel things no one else can? Does this person believe things that aren't true? Sometimes people with these symptoms have Schizophrenia, a serious illness.

Schizophrenia (Disambiguation)
Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by a breakdown of thought processes and by impaired emotional responses. Common symptoms include Delusions, such as paranoid beliefs; hallucinations; disorganized thinking; and negative symptoms, such as blunted affect and avolition. Schizophrenia causes significant social and vocational dysfunction. Symptom onset typically occurs in young adulthood, with a global

lifetime prevalence of about 0.3–0.7%. Diagnosis is based on observed behavior and the person's reported experiences.

Genetics, early environment, neurobiology, and psychological and social processes appear to be important contributory factors; some recreational and prescription drugs appear to cause or worsen symptoms. Current research is focused on the role of neurobiology, although no single isolated organic cause has been found. The many possible combinations of symptoms have triggered debate about whether the diagnosis represents a single disorder or a number of discrete syndromes. Despite the origin of the term from the Greek roots skhizein , Schizophrenia does not imply a "split personality", or "multiple personality disorder" (which is known these days as dissociative identity disorder)—a condition with which it is often confused in public perception. Rather, the term means a "splitting of mental functions", because of the symptomatic presentation of the illness.

The mainstay of treatment is antipsychotic medication, which primarily suppresses dopamine (and sometimes serotonin) receptor activity. Psychotherapy and vocational and social rehabilitation are also important in treatment. In more serious cases—where there is risk to self and others—involuntary hospitalization may be necessary, although hospital stays are now shorter and less frequent than they once were.

The disorder is thought mainly to affect cognition, but it also usually contributes to chronic problems with behavior and emotion. People with Schizophrenia are likely to have additional (comorbid) conditions, including major depression and anxiety disorders; the lifetime occurrence of substance use disorder is almost 50%. Social problems, such as long-term unemployment, poverty, and homelessness are common. The average life expectancy of people with the disorder is 12 to 15 years less than those without, the result of increased physical health problems and a higher suicide rate (about 5%).

Schizophrenia is a serious brain illness. Many people with Schizophrenia are disabled by their symptoms. People with Schizophrenia may hear voices other people don't hear. They may think other people are trying to hurt them. Sometimes they don't make any sense when they talk. The disorder makes it hard for them to keep a job or take care of themselves.

Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, and disabling brain disorder that has affected people throughout history. They may believe other people are reading their minds, controlling their thoughts, or plotting to harm them. This can terrify people with the illness and make them withdrawn or extremely agitated. About 1 percent of Americans have this illness.People with Schizophrenia may not make sense when they talk. They may sit for hours without moving or talking. Sometimes people with Schizophrenia seem perfectly fine until they talk about what they are really thinking.

Families and society are affected by Schizophrenia too. Many people with Schizophrenia have difficulty holding a job or caring for them-selves, so they rely on others for help.

Treatment helps relieve many symptoms of Schizophrenia, but most people who have the disorder cope with symptoms throughout their lives. However, many people with Schizophrenia can lead rewarding and meaningful lives in their communities. Researchers are developing more effective medications and using new research tools to understand the causes of Schizophrenia. In the years to come, this work may help prevent and better treat the illness.



Browse the links below to know about Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder. For more details you can email us.
 About Schizophrenia

 Bipolar Disorder

Introduction to Schizophrenia What are the types of Schizophrenia?  
History of Schizophrenia Diagnosis of Schizophrenia  
Who gets Schizophrenia? Treatment of Schizophrenia  
Epidemiology of Schizophrenia Prognosis of Schizophrenia  
Early warning signs of Schizophrenia How to help someone with Schizophrenia?  
What are signs and symptoms of Schizophrenia? Question to ask your doctor about Schizophrenia  
What are the causes of Schizophrenia? Condition that look like Schizophrenia  



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