What is the 12-Step Program?
The 12-Step program, first developed and used by Alcoholics Anonymous, is a 12-step plan in order to overcome addictions and compulsions. The basic premise of this model is that people can help one another achieve and maintain abstinence from substances of abuse, but that healing cannot come about unless people with addictions surrender to a higher power. This higher power doesn’t need to be a traditional Christian version of God – it can be as simple as the community of the 12-step meetings, the universe, or a different version of a higher power fit for your type of spirituality.
The 12-Step movement can be a powerful and helpful force for many people, but some people struggle with what they interpret as a strong religious element of the program. Many addiction treatment programs offer alternatives to 12-Step methodology for those who prefer a more secular foundation for treatment.
One of the most well-known and commonly used types of recovery support is the 12-Step model. Just about everyone has heard of these meetings or of the organization that originated the idea. - Alcoholics Anonymous What are the 12 Steps? The 12 Steps, as outlined in the original Big Book and presented by AA are: 1. Admitting powerlessness over the addiction 2. Believing that a higher power (in whatever form) can help 3. Deciding to turn control over to the higher power 4. Taking a personal inventory 5. Admitting to the higher power, oneself, and another person the wrongs done 6. Being ready to have the higher power correct any shortcomings in one’s character 7. Asking the higher power to remove those shortcomings 8. Making a list of wrongs done to others and being willing to make amends for those wrongs 9. Contacting those who have been hurt, unless doing so would harm the person 10. Continuing to take personal inventory and admitting when one is wrong 11. Seeking enlightenment and connection with the higher power via prayer and meditation 12. Carrying the message of the 12 Steps to others in need