We set our targets as:

  • Providing access to quality treatment
  • Spreading awareness to the families of these patients
  • Reaching out in the community
  • Establishing a community which is sensitive to mental and addictive illnesses
  • Producing highly qualified professionals
  • Develop a treatment model according to our culture
  • Built a friendly space where families can learn about the mental and addictive illnesses
  • providing a space where people can hold anonymous meetings regarding their issues

We believe that the most important factors relating to the overall utilization of a hospital include the quality and market position of the hospital and the number, quality and specialties of physicians providing patient care within the facility. Generally, we believe that the ability of a hospital to meet the health care needs of its community is determined by its breadth of services, level of technology, emphasis on quality of care.


SCTI was established in Feb of 2014. The sole aim of the facility was only to provide the best treatment to the people with mental and addictive disorders.Our agenda included other things as well. We planned for 3 years i.e. From 2015 to 2017. We decided to have a look back

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